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Guest Editions : Juan Brenner : Genesis


Genesis, published by Guest Editions, is the culmination of five years’ work, in which photographer Juan Brenner, explores the people and culture of the Guatemalan Highlands area and people of his home country.

With a focus on youth culture in the region, Brenner captures a new generation of Guatemalans, the first to establish an intelligible dialogue with their contemporaries around the world.

In its entirety, Genesis is an extensive study of Highland society, exploring the history, nuance, and complexity of everyday life. Brenner’s photography captures a territory that is in the midst of great change, with a set intention to document the “process of becoming”.

From the fallout of the Spanish invasion of Guatemala in the 16th century, to the legacy of colonial rule, Brenner uses cultural history throughout Genesis to inform his research and photography – all while looking to the future of the region.

Juan Brenner said:
“At first, I wanted to learn more about myself and my place in this territory.”
The more I worked on Genesis, the less it became about me and the more it evolved into an archive of a moment in time. The Highlands are so dense and rich with stimulus that it’s hard to digest everything at once when you’re there.”


Juan Brenner : Genesis
Guest Editions
Essay by Julio Serrano
Conversation with Gem Fletcher
210 x 260mm book
259 colour plates, 360 pages
Foil embossed gate-folded cover
320pp image section on Arctic Volume
40pp text and index section on Munken

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