Engaging the theme of Currency from various perspectives, the 8th Triennial of Photography Hamburg opens on May 20, 2022 with twelve exhibitions presenting over 75 artists.…
Photography Festivals
The latest photography festivals, photo biennials and triennials throughout the world, selected by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.
The non-profit media organization CatchLight will present its 2022 Visual Storytelling Summit April 19-20, 2022 at the Institute of Contemporary Art San Francisco.…
The 8th Triennale of Photography Hamburg opens with twelve exhibitions and a polyphonic program on the notion of Currency. …
Every year, the Planches Contact Festival promotes young photographic creation through the Tremplin Jeunes Talents programme. Five photographers are selected by a jury of image professionals to benefit from a…
The 2021 edition of the Planches Contact festival looks promising, with a new director, Laura Serani. Here's an overview!…
The Photoclub Paris Val-de-Bièvre holds the 57th International Photo Fair where photography lovers and collectors of photographic material will meet for a rich and festive event.…
Between Arles and Perpignan, Les Chemins de photos runs over the hills of the Aude with more than 80 photographers exhibited outdoors in 20 communes.…
In the Aude region (France), the 8th edition of the festival Chemins de photos. Come and enjoy a stroll along the photo trails of the Chemins de Photos…
¡Viva Villa! 2020 - Les Vies Minuscules - from October 24, 2020 to January 10, 2021 at the Collection Lambert in Avignon.…